line - vonal symmetry festival budapest (h) | <<< |
CURATOR and ART DIRECTOR Zsuzsa Dárdai International Mobile MADI Museum Foundation, Budapest Main theme: LINES the feeling of one dimension geometric arts from constructivism up to now Geometry is the organising basis of several trends in fine arts that appeared since the nineteen tens and are effective by now. This organising basis applied many elements/motifs taken from geometry. The planned exhibition focuses on straights that determine, and arrow in, a direction. This theme emphasizes that geometric art (as a collective concept) continues in a straight direction since its appearance up to now. Although different, parallel functioning, directions of the arts aim at approaching their self-appointed aesthetic goals by their own means, they proceed in one direction determined by straight lines - as it is expressed in the artwork serving as the image of the exhibition. All these tendencies use the language of geometry. In the meanwhile, this language developed too parallel with the arts; now we can speak of multiple geometries, which reinterpreted the very concept of parallel, and all these resulted in a feedback to and are reflected in geometric artworks. Straights running into the infinity symbolise in all their depictions the dynamism of the development in the arts, the incompleteness and unfinishability of its history. The exhibition aims at presenting the manysidedness, the multicolour character of the representations accomplished in the course of this development process through the works of the invited artists. * Exhibiting artists: Catherine BÜRKI (F) Eduard, ANTAL (SK), BOLIVAR (ROU), Carlos CRUZ DIAZ (YW), Omar CARREÑO (YW), ERDÉLY Dániel, (H), Mikael FAGERLAND (S), FAIK (S), FAJÓ János (H), GÁYOR Tibor (H), Giancarlo CAPORICCI (I), HALMI-HORVÁTH István (H), HERCZEGH LÁSZLÓ (H), HORVÁTH LÁSZLÓ (H), Pal HORVÁTH (B), Viktor HULIK (SK), JOLÁTHY Attila (H), Anneke KLEIN KRANENBARG (NL), KONOK Tamás (H), KOVÁCS Tamás László (H), Giuseppe MINORETTI (I), Marcello MORANDINI (I), Jaildo MARINHO (BR), MOLNÁR Vera (F), Claude PASQUET (F), Gaetano PINNA (I), ROMVÁRI Márton (H), Axel ROHLFS (DE), SAXON Szász János(H), Rino SERNAGLIA (I), Marika SZÁRAZ (H), VIOT (F), ZORZI (I). Exhibitions LINES, the feeling of one dimension (International Fine Art Exhibition)* - B55 Gallery, Budapest international Mobil MADI Museum Foundation <<< |